Monday – Friday 7:00AM – 6:30PM

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The Little


Learn and Grow Play with Each Other Enjoy Everyday


Early Childhood Development


Learning activities introduce and encourage reading & writing, math, & science concepts in an age appropriate hands-on forum, with a strong focus on social and emotional skill building.

Outdoor Activities

Both structured and unstructured to introduce simple sports skills and improve hand-eye coordination, as well as channel energy constructively.

Creative Activities

Arts & crafts, storytelling, movement exercises, games, etc. to help improve small & large motor coordination


Childhood should be a carefree happy time filled with fun and learning. Your child will be welcomed to a safe haven while in our care.

Early Development

At the Little Lighthouse we offer all of the things a baby needs to help start their earliest learning years in a positive and secure way.


Encourage healthy eating habits, fun & educational field trips, amazing & qualified staff.

Infants & Toddlers

At the Little Lighthouse we offer all of the things a baby needs to help start their earliest learning years in a positive and secure way.


Our philosophy in caring for children at the Little Lighthouse is to use positive guidance, simple rules, and a love of learning along with teaching methods based on research, common sense, and caring.


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